Thursday, February 17, 2011

week 3

1) In Paulina Boorsooks Book "Cyberselfish" she contrasts the development of technologies that were group efforts and thus stand in stark contrast to the myth of the lone 'hero' entrepreneur. Name two such more group-based technologies. (Under the heading "Closer to the Machine")

a)   a)   Medical Buddha

b)   b)   Politically Correct Camp

2) In the section labelled "Human, Too Human" Boosook describes one type of technolibertarian - the "Extropians". What do extropians want or yearn for?

3) In her film BIT PLANE, Natalie Jeremijenko describes Doug Englebart as being a pioneer - of what? (view film via VIMEO link in separate post)
         a pioneer of PERSONAL COMPUTING

4) In "Silicon Valley Mystery House" writer Langdon Winner compares the Silicon Valley to the Winchester Mystery House. In what way does he consider them similar?
          they were the same as becoming a tourist spot for their architectural structurs

5) In Langdon Winner's essay "Silicon Valley Mystery House" he describes East Palo Alto as a very different kind of place from areas such as upscale Stanford and downtown Palo Alto. What type of area is East Palo alto, "just across highway 101"?
They said that Palo Alto is more like Hollywood everyone is in show business, everyone comes there to try to make it by showing off flashy products

6) In her Processed World article "The Disappeared of Silicon Valley" Paulina Boorsook's "Deep Throat" (inside information source) describes some unpleasant realities of most Silicon Valley startups and how they end up. List two.
There were shortage of houses
He left graduate school to fund his ideas but it didn’t work out in the end and he had to spend years to to pay his debt befor he returned to school
This, from an undergraduate,

7) What is the Long Now foundation and why was it formed?
         As pulled from the website’s ABOUT: ”The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to develop the Clock and Library projects, as well as to become the seed of a very long-term cultural institution. The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide counterpoint to today's "faster/cheaper" mindset and promote "slower/better" thinking. We hope to creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years.”

8) In the documentary DOCUMENTARY - SILICON VALLEY - A HUNDRED YEAR RENAISSANCE (1997) Steve Jobs describes the joy of successfully making "blue boxes" which let he and his friends make free phone calls. What aspect of this experience does he say was so important to the creation of Apple computer?
         Steve Jobs says that the aspect of this experience was “the confidence to do such a thing, but as well as the sense of magic to influence the world. If it wasn’t for the blue box experience there would be no Apple.”

9) List three aspects of the work of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - (see the "Our Work" section of their website)
10) According to Richard Stallman's website, what is his status in relation to the social media site Facebook?
He suggest people to not support it by using it, that it’s unreliable when it comes to doing it’s task that it was made to do. It’s not being the social network of sharing information without error, or being as friendly exaggerating with it’s friend count of labeling yourself lonely. It’s becoming more of the anti-privacy and invading your life and friends. Overall, a bad idea to collaborate with Facebook let alone interacting 

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